Team building
All job ads include an essential requirement: team spirit!
All CV’s includes affirmations like: adaptable, flexible, team player, team spirit, i’m accommodating fast….etc
The conclusion? It should be only efficient teams, isn’t it? However…….
Team Spirit can be learned! It is a skill that can be acquired. That’s why, the right order could be: first team learning and then teambuilding. Which means that, we must learn first, what team-dynamics are, and only afterwards, together, we can start building the functional team.
All team learning/teambuilding activities organized by us in the past years, were designed, based on the 5 indicators that measures the team effectiveness:
Definition of common goal
Assigning roles and responsibilities
Team-operating system
Relationships between team members
Relationships with other teams
To us, such un event is schedule-free : starts when people gather and it ends when we all go home! Together, we can choose the most adequate indoor/outdoor activities, and believe-us : there are a lot of options!
If you wish : atv, paintball, carting, archery, trap-ball, hang-glider flight, bungee-jumping etc, it can be done. But, we could name it groupentertainment instead of teambuilding!